What’s New

New features and updates to our POS software computer systems.

Your suggestions… We're listening.
Others may imitate but no one is unique like Arbelsoft.
Version, 8.5.0231 boosts new and advanced features that contribute to our motto "Less Work, More Profits", starting July 2024.


  • New! General, Post Payment Discount by Payment Method
    Even if it's not a prepayment, the customer can get a discount if they pay in cash at pickup.
  • Update General, Fixed - Pole display freezing error.
    Leaving the com port open continuously causes it to freeze, so system open it each time the message changes.
  • Update General, Fixed - Prepayment & postpayment discount error
    If the customer partially picks up an order, the discount will be applied again when they pick up the rest of the items.
  • Update LaundroMax, Disable Operating Cost Preload
    When loading the operation, system preloaded the tickets to calculate the operating costs. However, this slowed down the loading process, so it is disabled.
  • New! ShoeMax, Numbering for Split Ticket
    It’s important to have a clear and organized numbering system to keep track of each portion ex) 1/3, 2/3, 3/3
  • Update ShoeMax, Modify Sales Summary Report
    In the summary report of retail item sales, the retail item sales are combined from both the sales items section and the drop-off section.


  • New! General, Initial Price Setup
    After Installation, User have to choose one of the our software version and price group.
  • Update General, Fixed - Prepay Total Due Error
    In Prepayment Screen, If The change is minus amount, It add up to total due.
  • Update ShoeMax, Fixed - Sales Summary & Sales by Category and Retail Sales Summary does not match
    Sales by Category Report in ShoeMax, Excluded the Item of DoOver, NoCharge and Future Price from Sales by Job Category.
  • Update ShoeMax, Fixed - Itemized Sales Report
    Adjusted Price is not reflected
  • Update General, Fixed - Statement Summary
    In the Statement Summary, If Charges & Payments are made in the same month, System doesn't calculate correctly.
  • Update LaundroMax, Fixed - Laundry Machine Setup Error
    An error occurs if the machine number exceeds 30,000.


  • New! General, SQL Database Server 2022 Integration
    Stable database engin for windows 10 & windows 11.
  • Update ShoeMax, ShoeMax Tag Printer - Customizable Margin by left and top
    Fixed error - Some printer doesn't print in correct position of lable.
  • Update TailorMax, Alteration Report by Main Job - Summary, Details
  • New! General, Software Registration change for any CPU
  • Update General, New POSLink for credit card terminal
    POSLink v1.10.01 & Contactless limit amount increased from $100.00
  • Update General, Fixed Batch Closing Error - Surcharge
  • New! General, DeliveryMax - Compatible with Non-Cloudbase CleanMax, LaundroMax, TailorMax, ShoeMax.
    DeliveryMax in iPhone, was compatible with only cloudbase software.
  • Update TailorMax, Fixed - Price List Report
  • Update General, SoundMax, Speaking Total Due Amount in Drop Screen, Pickup Screen, Prepay Screen.
  • Update General, PrePay Screen - Balance / Changes Calculation by amount due.


  • New! General, New Pole Display Integration - PD220
  • Update General, Fixed - Error Occurred while editing time clock
    Fixed error in editing time clock for over night shift.
  • New! General, Arbelsoft Receipt Printer Integration
  • New! General, Function Added for Credit Card tip confirmatoin
    Confirming screen is added when tip amount is greater than original due amount.
  • New! LaundroMax, Function Added for refund in Fascard
    Actual Refund function is added instead of adding value to the card - Account Purpose.
  • New! General, Function Added for sorting in Marketing Export Screen by Customer Number
  • New! TailorMax, Function Added for 'Alteration Only' by Default
    Instantly saving 'Alteratin Only' or 'With Dry Cleaing' by Default Button.
  • Update General, Fixed - Freezing in 'Load Manager'
    Fixed freezing error in a ready date screen for Drop Off
  • Update General, Fixed - Error in Edit Drop Off
    Modification for 'Memo On Ticket' does not work in Editing Drop Off case
  • Update General, SMS - Error in carrage return, line feed and special charactor
    Vonage changed their api for text policy, and need to change to toll-free number for sending sms without branding


  • New! Starting on January 1st of 2022 Arbelsoft will no longer be offering the option to purchase our software to the public and will be moving forward with Cloud Based Rental Software or Non-Cloud Based Rental Software Version.
  • Update General, Fixed- Error Occurred under Quick price setup
    If No Alteration or Upcharge was entered an error would occur during the setup process.
  • Update ShoeMax, Fixed- Barcode Label printer
    ShoeMax Barcode Label for Zebra Printers were realigned to support large label Printing.
  • Update General, Fixed- Discount Ticket Report
    Report if a price was adjusted the discount will come off of the unit price minus the adjusted price equals discount.
  • Update ShoeMax, Fixed- Barcode labels
    Both large labels and small labels top margins have been add and saved in the database
  • Update Shoemax Fixed- Marketing Report
    If a ticket was edited under this report it would cause an error.
  • New! General, Pax S300 EMV Terminal Software Update to Version 1.05.02E
    Terminal Update has added security update features and will now display the Apple Pay Logo, Samsung Pay Logo, Google Pay and NFC Logo on Main Screen of Device.


  • Update General, Toll free number has been disconnected due to excessive spam phone calls from Telemarketers
    New general number has been updated in Arbelsoft Software.
  • Update General, Fixed- New Help File.
    Help File has been converted due to Windows 10 discontinuing support of Adobe Flash Player.
  • Update General, Fixed- New User’s Manual
    User’s Manual has been converted due to support Windows 10
  • Update General, Fixed- Phone Database Directory
    Phone Database Directory has been converted due to support Windows 10
  • New! General, Reprint Cash Receipt
    Added New Function, Ability to Reprint Payment Receipt from Payment History Section.
  • Update CleanMax, Fixed Voice Guidance for iSortMax.
    Voice Guidance in Windows 10 wasn’t functioning properly
  • Update CleanMax, Fixed - Heat Seal Assignment.
    Doesn’t allow same Serial Tag no in same ticket to prevent overriding from previously assigned ticket.
  • Update General, Fixed - Search Heat Seal Tag
    Tag Search in Ticket Search Screen
  • New! General, Transfer Heal Seal Tag to Another Garment
    Reassign to 1 Piece Only and Split Heal Seal Tag to another Garment from 2 Pc Suit Pants to adjust the price to regular Pants.
  • New! General, Split Heal Seal Tag
    Ability to Split a garment set of heat seals tags to only 1 if the item belongs to 2pc or 3pc Set.
  • Update ShoeMax, UPS Shipment - New URL
    UPS Shipment integration would cause an error when trying to ship out a package, as the UPS URL address has changed. New UPS URL address has been updated in the ShoeMax Software.
  • Update General, Fixed- Auto Backup
    Auto Backup wouldn’t transfer properly due to .net framework compatibility with Windows 10.
  • New! General, Search customer by tag #
    Ability to look up a customer by Tag # under Drop & Pick up Screen.
  • Update General, Fixed- Incorrect discount percentage
    Discount percentage would be incorrectly deducted from the Subtotal if a negative upcharge is applied
  • Update General, Fixed- Error in Discount & Upcharge Section
    Fix and issue if more than 6 discounts are setup under the discount section. The wrong discount would be applied on the next discount if a discount is applied from the drop down arrow on the second window.


  • Update ShoeMax, Dual tag for description error.
    Fixed an issue which would cause the barcode labels to misprint if certain symbols were used in the ticket Description.
  • Update LaundroMax, Duplicated Wash & Fold Instruction.
    Fixed an issue where selected laundry instructions on a customer’s profile would print out on the receipt multiple times of the same instruction.
  • Update General, Changed Title to Dry Instruction to Wash & Dry Instruction.
    Updated the Laundry Instructions under Management, Setup, Laundry Instructions, Dry Instructions key is now Wash & Dry Instructions.
  • Update General, Ticket Details & Job Details - Duplicated Job Details – in Statement.
    Fixed an issue on the Statement invoice where duplicated job detail descriptions would show under the same ticket.
  • Update General, Report - Sales by Item -> Group by Code to Group by Category Name (Dry Clean & House Hold Combined to Separate).
    Updated Sales by Item Report to generate by each category instead of merging categories codes in report.
  • New! General, Tag Printer - Samsung SRP 275 III new driver.
    Updated Software to be compatible with Tag Printer Model Bixolon SRP-275III for Windows 7 and Windows 10.
  • Update LaundroMax, Fast Card & Laundry Card 9.0 - TLS 2.0.
    Updated LaundroMax software to support CCI Fast Card and Laundry Card 9.0 to support their latest security patch.


  • Update General, Modified Time Clock Control for Overnight Shift in time clock calculation.
    Corrected an issue which miscalculated an overnight shifts employees hours in the payroll report.
  • New! General, Added Option to enable Laundry Instructions under Setup, default and options.
    Added the functionality to enable Laundry Instructions for LaundroMax to specify a customer’s preferences.
  • Update General, Changed Remote Backup structure to not conflict with the same computer name.
    Fixed an issue which could cause the same customers Windows computer name to override each other's back up.
  • New! TailorMax, Print fitting schedule in ticket.
    Added the functionality to print the customers fitting schedule dates on the ticket.
  • Update LaundroMax, Modify Fast Card & Laundry Card 9.0 API- New format.
    Updated LaundroMax software to support CCI Fast Card and Laundry Card 9.0 to support their latest API release.
  • New! General, Added SMS Opt in List under Marketing and Export Customer File.
    Created a report to show which customers opt in or out to receive SMS notifications once the item has been racked.
  • Update General, Auto Batch Payment - Added batch ending date in result slip.
    Added the functionality under Statement and Auto Batch Payment to print out the ending date on the Print Result Tab.
  • Update General, Fixed - Auto Remote Backup Error.
    Added serial number for backup directory. It will prevent overwriting back up files if there are more than one computer of the same name.
  • Update ShoeMax, Initial Price Setup - direct input price instead of percentage.
    The initial pricing setup for a new business is more practical.
  • Update General, Edit Time Clock - Disabled Holiday break time.
    Fixed an issue to prevent break-time minutes to be deducted if fallen on a Holiday Day.
  • Update General, Fixed Holiday ready by same day.
    Fixed an issue that would assign a ready by date on a Holiday if Auto Day Service was enabled.


  • New! General, Add Database Re-Indexing Function.
    Database has been reconfigured to enhance the performance of the software.
  • Update ShoeMax, Modify Initial Price Setup.
    The pricing setup for a new business is more practical.
  • New! Laundromat, Integrate Laundroworks.
    Our Software now has the ability to integrate with LaundroWorks.
    Many payment options
    • Cash
    • Credit/Debit cards (including Chip)
    • NFC (Apple Pay/Android Pay/Samsung Pay)
    • EBT cash benefit cards
    • Online value purchase
  • Update BackupMax, fixed on error while backing up.
    Fixed an issue, that would prevent the Backups from not transferring when the automatic logout option is enabled.
  • Update General, User Setup - Hide Default User.
    Fixed an issue, that would prevent the default user account to show in the user list.
  • Update General, Title change to "Invoice" in Email Statement.
    Added a new feature to change the title of the email statement.
  • New! Tailormax, Add Function of Fitting Schedule up to 5 times.
    New Functionality added to TailorMax to schedule a fitting up to 5 times, and review detailed info in Ticket Search, Ticket History and Customer Search.
  • Update CleanMax and LaundroMax, Fixed Category Discount in Customer File.
    Fixed an issue, that would cause the "Wash & Fold" Category Discount to not calculate properly.
  • Update General, Allow to edit same user and last closing only for Continuous Closing.
    The closing setup has been modified, to prevent another user from reopening someone else’s closing shift. Only the same user can reopen the last closing shift.
  • New! General, Terms by Hours and Minutes or shift in Reports.
    Add functionality to run all reports by the hour, minutes or shift instead of by the day only..
  • Update General, Error Fixed to print out one more page in SyncMax Reports.
    Fixed an issue, where a blank page in a report that would print out.
  • Update General, make small font for all Reports.
    Added the Ability to show more information in one page on the report.


  • Update Website, Fixed an error for yearly password website generation.
    Financed Customers who purchased our software couldn’t generate a yearly password from our website, even after full payment was made.
  • Update CleanMax, Fixed an error for manual pre-assigned lot tag.
    Double tag assignments were being generated based off of each garment inputted.
  • New! General, Tax Calculation for Future Price in Process View.
    Software now has the ability to Add Tax Calculation automatically once the future price has been entered into the pick-up screen of the ticket.
  • New! ShoeMax, Future Price.
    Added the functionality Future Price in Process View and assign price at any time to the pick-up screen of the ticket.
  • New! General, Scrollbar for Multiline text.
    Software now has the ability to show runoff text in the Memo, Dry Clean, Laundry and Wash & Fold Fields under the Edit Customer field section using a newly designed scroll feature.
  • New! LaundroMax, Add Wash, Fold and Packaging Instructions.
    Software now has more customer preferences, on how the customer would like their clothes washed, dry cleaned, folded, hanged, and packaging instructions for delivery or pick up.
  • New! LaundroMax, Add Custom Instructions.
    Software now has the ability to add your own customer preferences, in our newly designed setup screen for custom wash, fold and packaging instructions.
  • Update General, Sales Tax does not match for each report.
    Fixed an issue where some reports sales taxes weren’t reconciling with each report.
  • New! LaundroMax, New CCI Card API for LaundryCard Version 9 and FastCard.
    Our software now has the ability to integrate with CCI newly released LaundryCard Version 9, which now supports chip card transactions & NFC Integration Payments (Apply Pay and Android Pay). To learn more visit CCI website at https://www.laundrycard.com/products/laundrycard/v9. Our software now has the ability to integrate with CCI FastCard system which accepts Coin & Credit/Debit Payments. To learn more visit CCI website at https://www.laundrycard.com/products/fascard.


  • New! General, Separated Load Manager.
    Improved program performance.
  • Update General, Fixed an error in Drop Screen.
    After Delete Item button pressed, Next item selected from first pages index.
  • New! General, Add Message in Drop Screen.
    Ticket Wide (Level) Message.
  • New! Website, Add ACH Payment method in Website.
  • Update Website, Fixed Resending E-Quotation.
  • Update Website, Contact us - Google Captcha.
    Preventing Web Bot Submission.
  • Update ShoeMax, Fixed Shoe Label Printing Error.
    Symbols (" or \ ) are placed in Description.
  • Update General, Fixed Miscalculating Mileage Credit.
    for Group Accounts.
  • New! TailorMax, Operation section for Fitting Job.
    Fitting Report and Fitting Information Ticket Search - History.
  • Update General, Printing Category Code in Store Receipt.
  • Update General, Fixed Additional Ticket Count in Ticket Search.
    Result count for Additional loading Tickets.
  • Update General, Improved Program Performance for Tag Assignment Loading Screen.
    SQL SERVER 2012 or Newer.
  • New! LaundroMax, Add New Laundry Icon.
  • New! General, Integrated CAS-DL Model.
  • New! LaundroMax, Added Printed Date Stamp on "Stock on Hand" Report.
  • Update General, Fixed printing or exporting for Multi-Pages Report.
    Windows 7 or higher or 64 bit windows could not handle multi-pages.
  • Update General, Fixed Prepayment issue on Level 1.


  • New! General, US Standard for Auto Pin-Debit in Credit Card Terminal.
    Enable Auto Pin-Debit for Credit Card Processing.
  • Update General, On screen keyboard for tablet computer.
    On Screen Keyboard disappears when trying to use the customer file ticket search in the Windows 10.
  • New! General, changing Database Lock option.
    Preventing rollback data.
  • Update General, Fixed EMV Processing mismatched.
    Fixed EMV terminal reverse transaction after approval from the processer under Emv option is not matched.
  • New! General, Initializing for Credit card Tokenizing Process.
  • New! General, CleanMax Only screen in 64bit Windows 10.
    CleanMax Only Screen works on 64bit Windows.
  • New! General, Add payment type on the sales item receipt.
    rinting Payment Type on the sales item receipt - LaundroMax, ShoeMax, TailorMax
  • Update Website, Fixed Main menu in Website is hidden under the pictures.


  • Update General, Changed Database Lock.
    Record Lock for Preventing Dead Lock
  • Update General, Error Fixed in Sale Category Reports.
  • Update General, Error Fixed for Pickup Order Memo in Drop Screen.
  • New! General, Changed Security Level Setup for Employees.
  • New! General, Added Reference for Do-Over Tickets
  • New! General, Changed SQL 2012 starting option
    Preventing for Identity Auto Increase Jumping
  • New! General, Option to make ticket status unpicked even if payment is made
  • Update General, Error Fixed for sending SMS.
    Preventing to send SMS to unmatched phone number format
  • New! General, Optional Store Information for Statement.
  • Update General, Error Fixed for double clicking on pin number pad while loading default settings.
    Preventing to change Security Method by double clicking on pin number pad
  • New! General, Calculate Taxes for Future Price.
  • New! General, Attached PDF statement via email.
  • Update General, Fixed Similar Delivery addresses could cause a conflict with each other.


  • Update General, Modified Customer's Ticket.
    No print Mileage Point when marked "Restrict Mileage Credit" in Customer Setup
  • New! TailorMax, Load Manager Alert in Drop Screen.
    Auto Ready Date Changing & Alert when Jobs are reached Load Manager Settings
  • Update LaundroMax, Fixed WeighMax Error.
    Wrong Weighing Out weight When Auto Weighing In
  • Update General, Credit Card Payment does not applied to the tickets.
  • New! General, Modified Remaining Tickets in Plant Out
    Remaining Tickets Reports in case of Mixed In Plant Bagging & In Store Bagging
  • New! ShoeMax, Add SyncMax Operation Summary Report
    Operation Report for Pieces & Total Price by Employee.
  • Update General, Fixed SyncMax Sales Summary Report Error.
    SyncMax Sales Summary Report In Case Mixed ShoeMax, CleanMax, LaundroMax, TailorMax
  • New! General, Add Outstanding Store Credit Balance on the ticket.
  • New! General, Pickup Order Memo in Drop
    Pickup Order Memo be shown in Drop Screen - Even already picked up marked that day.
  • New! General, Add Customer Type in Report Section.
    "Non-Taxed Customer" Type in the Report.
  • Update General, Fixed Rack Assignment & Delivery Out Error for Scanning.
    Scanning the ticket in Rack Assignment & Delivery Out Error while Keyboard status is Caps Lock.
  • Update Modified Cash payment process in Pickup Screen.
    When the OK button is not pressed, Payment information and Picked up Status is not submitted.
  • Update General, Fixed Modal Dialog Box Error.
    Login or Pin Number Entry Screen makes an error with Message Dialog or "Cash Change" Dialog.
  • Update General, Fixed Imprexa A7 Receipt Printer.
    Dump error - Black Square Mark.


  • New! General, Taxable Environmental Charge
    Optional Setup for Certain State Tax Regulation, ie Texas
  • New! General, Category Code ID
    Optional Feature for Printing Category on the Tag
  • New! General, Balance Printing
    Current Total Amount Due Printed on the Ticket
  • New! General, Change Password for EMV Terminal User
    Remove Feature to Request "Input New Password" Every 3 Months
  • New! General, Software License Policy Confirmation
    Required Confirmation of Copy Right Agreement and Justified Policy
  • New! TailorMax, Input Item(s) Quantity
    More Accurate Job Description Feature, ie, 6 Buttons replacement...
  • Update General, Taxable Cash Payment Includes Store Card.
    Report Shows above information for Tax Purpose
  • New! General, Encrypt Customer's Information Includes Credit Card Number
    More Secure and Matches PCI Compliance
  • New! General, New Monthly Password Format
    System Detects and Deletes Illegal Licenses Automatically
  • Update LaundroMax, Employee Task Performance Incentive.
    Review Report by Sales Amount or Weight for Drop Off Order


  • New! General, Send SMS to the customer via Cell Phone
    Creates Own Text for the Order is Ready or Delivered Status
  • Update General, Bug Fixed Email Function
  • New! CleanMax and LaundroMax
    Printing Customer’s Bag ID Tag by Continuous Roll Sticker
  • Update General, Added Email Function
    Send Auto Notice for Unclaimed Storage Tickets
    Send Auto Notice for Unclaimed Tickets by Aged Custom days
  • Update General, Paid Sales Tax
    Displayed on the Sales Summary Report
  • Update General, Selectable Font Size on Tickets
    Able to Adjust Font Size for Detailed Description
  • Update TailorMax, Job Descriptions on Tag
    Prints Unlimited Job Details.
  • Update ShoeMax, Modified Easy Removable Sticker Tag
    Can Add Web Address or Store Name on the Shoe Tag Label


  • New! General, Add Brand Name Instantly
    Any Garment or Shoe Brands into the Database
  • Update General, Bug Fixed Discount Feature
  • New! CleanMax, Operations for Tailoring
    Easy to Review the Process Status & Payroll Calculation
  • New! LaundroMax, Able to set Non-Preloaded List for Acutual Cost
    Fast Performance Option
  • Update General Bug Fixed for Claims Management
  • Update General, Bug Fixed for User Shift Setup
    Up to 25 Characters fo Maximum Shift Title
  • New! General, Stray Item(s) for Multiple Stores
    Share Item(s) Descriptions & Images with all Satellite Stores
  • New! General, Time Clock
    Payroll Calculation, Compliance with NYS Dept. of Labor Regulation
  • Update ShoeMax, Bug Fixed Email Feature
    Save Records up to 6 Months
  • New! General, Modified A/R Creates for Wholesale
    Create A/R When Drop-Off
  • New! General, Print Updated Balance on the Ticket
    Print Current Outstanding Balance
  • New! General, Able to set Non-Preloaded Data for Process Feature
    Fast Performance Option
  • New! General, Export Drop-Off Data Feature


  • New! General, Mobile Payment Integration
    Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay.
  • Update General, EMV Multilane Terminals
    PAX Terminal with/without Tokenization Feature
  • New! General, Integration of New Mastercard Accounts
    New Mastercard 2 Series Bin Account Number
  • New! General, Unapplied Credit Card Payment
    Manually apply on unapplied credit card charge
    Partial Refund for Credit Card Payment
  • Update General, Updated Installation Password
  • New! CleanMax, Auto Starch Setup
    Non Default Starch Setup
  • New! LaundroMax, Refund Option for Laundry Card
    CCI Laundry Card and ESD CyberLaundry system


  • New! LaundroMax, Integrated ESD, CyberLaundry System
  • New! General. Reliable All in One POS Hardware for Rental System
    Included Receipt Printer and other Peripherals.
  • Update General, Multilane EMV Terminal, PAX & Ingenico
    Communicate with Computer for Batch Process.
  • Update TailorMax. Detail Job Described Tag
  • New! General. Customizable Reports
    Creates own necessary Reports
  • New! TailorMax. Payroll for Tailor
    Paid by Fixed Amount for each Jobs.
  • New! TailorMax, Tailor Performance
    Supervise each Individual Tailor performances and Contributions.
  • New! TailorMax, Job Distribution & Payment Calculation to each tailor.
    Split any Garment within a ticket and Payment
  • New! TailorMax, Custom Tailoring Feature
    Memorize Design, Style and Measurement Records and Multiple Appointments
  • Update CleanMax. Stray Items Management
    Orphan Items Record, Search, Dispatch to Satellite Store and Verification by Photo from any location.
  • Update General. Claim Management
    Review all Histories & Report
  • New! General. Credit Card Process Features
    – Enterable Individual Terminal ID for each Computer Station
    – Function to Fix Manually for Unapplied Payments
    – Selectable Reprint Options for Customer or Merchant Copy.


  • New! CleanMax, Additional Standalone Program
    Delivery Management System for Building Valet Service
  • New! General, Rack Assignment Confirmation
    Racking Relocation Option for with or without Confirmation.
  • Update CleanMax Route Delivery Setup
    Selectable Options for Single or All Route Delivery Assignment.
  • Update SynxMaxMax, Fixed Pick Up Order Error
    During SyncMax Connection
  • New! CleanMax
    Out Process Item Tracking Feature
  • New! General, Statement Print Options
    Print Current Page Only or Whole Pages
  • New! General, Time Clock
    Standalone Program for Employee Attendance and Payroll Management
  • New! TailorMax, Wholesale Account
    Enterable Individual Customer’s Name on the Ticket


  • New! General, Brand Search Feature.
    Search parameters have been updated for both general and specific brand searches
  • New! General Rack Assignment Confirmation
    Input Pin Number
  • Update CleanMax Route Delivery Setup
    Flexible Schedule Setup Edit & Print Manifest.
  • Update Multiple EMV Terminal Integrations
    Ingenico, PaxTechnology Models
  • Update LaundroMax, Fixed Actual Cost Input Error
  • New! TailorMax, Alteration Tax Modification
    Matches CT state and suitable for other Conditions.
  • Update LaundroMax, Fixed WeighMax Error
  • New! LaundroMax, Equipment Setup Screen
    Easy to Setup & review History & Status.


  • New! General, EMV Compliance is Ready
  • New! LaundroMax, Up Charges by Weight Amount
    Allows Upcharges by Pounds or Kgs.
  • New! CleanMax & TailorMax. Split Tickets by Type of Service Category
    Split by each Category (Dry Cleaning, Shirts …)
  • Update General, Decimal Tip Amount Input
    System allows any decimal Amount included in Credit Card Payments
  • Update General, Future Prices Input
    Shows Initial Charged Amount
  • New! Employ Payroll Record
    History for Paid Employees Wages
  • Update General, Website Integration
    Make Online Order by easy to Access Feature
  • Update General, Detailed Job Description in Statements
    Modified Multiple Job Descriptions for ShoeMax.


  • New! Multiple Store Garment Search
    Search for Garmenst that have no Tag from a single Store or Multiple Stores
  • New! General, Employee must Clock In First for Access the System
  • New! General, Statement Summary-Aging Report
  • Update Processing PA-DSS Validation for Version 3.0, POS Suite Application.
  • Update General, Integrate Customer Access Portal into Your Existing Website
    New computer upgrade Options Available for Extensive Traffic.
  • New! Live Support Tool
    Immediate Access to the Customer’s Computer.
  • Update ShoeMax, Fixed Ticket Transfer Feature after Split Ticket
  • Update Show Tip/Trade of Credit Card processing for First Data


  • Update A Scale Data Communication on the Network
    Weigh data can be captured from 2nd or 3rd Computer
  • New! General, Arbelsoft-Ignite Payments, First Data Credit Card Processing
  • Update PCI-DSS Revalidation for POS Suite Application is Completed
    Updated and in Effect until October 2016
  • New! General, Integrate Customer Access Portal into Your Existing Website
    ShoeMax is available
  • New! Fedex integration for online Shoe Repair Service & Sales
  • Update ShoeMax Sales Report with Sales Tax Separately
  • New! Providing Custom LED Sign for Store AD
    Can select any image from our Image Library, istock.com or your own Graphic and Text
  • Update CleanMax Tag System
    System allows to use both Heat Seal and Lot System
  • Update CleanMax, LaundroMax Report
    More Efficient Way to Review Daily Management
  • Update CleanMax, Lot System
    Optional Variation for Daily Identification
  • Update General, Reports
    Combined Reports for Quick Daily Review.


  • Update CleanMax Manual Tag Entry
    Fixed Bug
  • New! General, Rear Monitor Custom Screen Display
    Sequential Display Own Graphics with adjustable Interval
  • Update Customer Pole Display
    Allows Custom Text for Promotion or Seasonal Greetings
  • New! General, Omit Credit Card Slip Printing Feature
    Memory in database with Customer signature.
  • New! General, Equipped SSD all Computer for Rental Packages.
  • New! Shoemax, Fedex Integration for Online Order Shipping
    Speedy, Reliable and Secured Hosting.
  • Update CleanMax, Metal Progetti Multiple Store Garment Assembly
  • Update General, 3 Keyboard styles for Integration of Chinese Simplified Version.
  • New! Website, QR Code, Custom Modification Service for Your Existing Website


  • Update LaundroMax Default Payment Setup Option for CCI Card
  • New! General, QR Code Integration
    Access to System via Smart-Phone App for Current Status of Pickup, Delivery and
    Royalty Award Points and More.
  • Update ShoeMax Split Tickets
    Allows for Multiple Ready Dates for any item(s) in the same Transaction
  • New! General, Integrate Customer Access Portal into Your Existing Website
    Registration, Update, Customer Feedback, Pickup & Delivery Order & Online Payment
  • New! General, Custom Modification Service for Your Existing Website
    Hacker Free Secured Communication with Gateway Software & 8 Pages Customer Portal
  • New! General, Web Hosting Service
    Speedy, Reliable and Secured Hosting
  • New! General, Promotion: Free Remote Data Backup Service for Rental Packages
    Recover Your Data at Any Time in the case of Hardware Malfunction
  • New! General, Integrated Ignite Payments, First Data Credit Card Processing
    Secure & Accurate Processing & Low Rate is Guaranteed
  • New! General, Support Windows 7 & 8, 32 or 64bits
    CleanMax, LaundroMax, TailorMax and ShoeMax Only Screen Control
  • Update General, Easy to Access “showmypc.com”
    Connect System without Access to Desktop Screen for Tech Support.
  • Update General, Caller ID Feature
    Supporting Newer US Robotics Modems for Windows 7 and 8
  • New! LaundroMax, Unique Scale Clone Technology – Share Scale Data through Network
    Weight Data can be shared with any Computer within the Network
  • Update General, Last Statement Information for Group Account
  • Update CleanMax, LaundroMax and TailorMax Tag Entry
    Improved Process Speed for Readymade Tag Number Entry by Manual
  • New! CleanMax, TailorMax & LaundroMax Conveyor Interface
    Automatic Start & Stop at Exact Slot Location for White and Railex Conveyors


  • Update CleanMax, LaundroMax, TailorMax, Simulation
    45 voice narrated videos for each subject and 353 detailed videos
  • New! General Setup
    Allow Multiple Hold Ticket Instances & Print List
  • Update General, Region Match
    Re-Test dd/mm/yyyy for Spanish Version
  • New! ShoeMax, Sales Items Images
    Allow access to any Categories of Library
  • New! General
    Auto Backup Feature for 24/7 Operation
  • New! General, Item Copy Function
    Option to Include Sub-Items
  • Update ShoeMax, Search Shoe
    Include Color, Brand and Materials
  • New! LaundroMax, Sales Items Import & Export
    Include Inactive, No Tax, Non discountable and Uncountable Items.
  • New! General, Quick Drop
    Split Feature
  • Update General, Rack Assignment History
  • Update General, Pole Display
    Allows Custom Messages or Greetings
  • Update CleanMax, Deliver Route Stop Setup Screen
    Easy to Create or Delete the Stops
  • New! LaundroMax, Report
    No Actual Cost Input Tickets
  • New! LaundroMax, Students and Family Plans
    Customizable Bulk Rate Discount Plans.
  • Update LaundroMax
    Fix Operational Performance
  • New! ShoeMax & LaundroMax
    Sales by Employee Report
  • Update CleanMax, Deliver Route Stop Setup Screen
    Easily Create or Delete any Stops
  • Update General
    Hide Rack Location for Secure Cash Control
  • Update General, Preset Customer Address
    Creation Automatically
  • New! ShoeMax & LaundroMax Sales Items
    Sales by Employee Report.
    Input massive numbers by Multiple Boxes Calculation for Speedy Inventory Process.
    Quick Markup Feature.
  • New! ShoeMax, Quick Price Setup
    Copy & Paste between Column to Column.


  • New! SyncMax, All in one report for multiple store operation
    One Click Report for Replicated Data (BackOffice)
  • New! LaundroMax, Sales Items for Main Office Warehouse
    Inventory, Review Insufficient Stock, Purchase Order, Update Stock & Distribution
  • Update LaundroMax
    Refund for Dryer while it is out of order
  • New! General
    Issue Pre payment Receipt
  • New! General
    No Discount is available for Partial Payment
  • Update LaundroMax
    Equipment Layout Setup with Customizable Floor Plan


  • New! LaundroMax, CleanMax and TailorMax
    Storage Distribution and Inventory Feature for Retail Sales Items.
  • Update LaundroMax, Equipment is Out of Order
    Refund to CCI Card.
  • Update LaundroMax, Equipment Status
    Sample Layout Display, Cost Entry Feature and Auto Cost Application
  • New! TailorMax
    Appointment Setup for Fitting and Tracing
  • Update General
    Prompt Response for Racking, Delivery, Tagging Assignment Process.
  • Update ShoeMax, Fixed Split Feature for Quick Drop.
  • Update CleanMax & ShoeMax, Out of Process Search & Report
    Unrecognized Garment and Item Tracing for Multiple Stores


  • New! Arbeloft Website e-Quote
    Aid Customer to make orders easier than ever.
  • New! Arbelsoft Website for Laundromat Equipment Co.
    Distributor Account and Order Revisions
  • Update Arbelsoft Website
    Change Order Status , Finance to Rental or Revise or Modify the Order
  • Update Arbelsoft Website
    Carry Motorola Regular & Codeless Scanners, 1D, 2D or Omni Directional.
  • Update CleanMax, Plant Direct Delivery for Multiple Store Operation
    Easy to Rearrange Manifest with Pre-Assigned Route and Driver. Auto Confirmation
    e-Message to the customer & Status to the designated Satellite Store Simultaneously.
  • New! CleanMax, Out Process Search & Report
    Unrecognized Garment Tracing for Multiple Stores
  • Update LaundroMax & CleanMax, WeighMax
    Review Satellite Store’s Weight Difference and In/Out Status from Plant
  • Update LaundroMax, Image Library
    Added new Retail Products on the Market & Items with Indicating Name.
  • Update LaundroMax, Equipment Status
    Arrange Layout up to 150 Units
  • Update ShoeMax, Search Feature
    Order Trace Feature for Unrecognized items without Barcode Tag.
  • Update ShoeMax, Online Shoe Repair Service and Retail Item Sales
    Update UPS Charges with Custom Handling Charges.
    Interface with Portable Scales, Mettler Toledo and CAS.
    Interface with UPS Shipping Label Printing.
    Automatic Tracking Information to the Customer.


  • New! Free Remote Data Backup Service for POS Rental System
    $1440 Value during the Term
  • New! Portuguese, Website is Live
  • New! Portuguese, Chinese Software Versions Released
  • New! Dutch Software Version is Coming Soon!
  • Update CleanMax, Exact Piece Split Feature
  • New! LaundroMax, WeighMax
    Drop off WDF Order IN/Out Control and Report
  • New! LaundroMax, Equipment Status
    Find it at once and Review Individual History and Repair Cost
  • New! ShoeMax, Customized Mail for UPS Tracking Information


  • Update ShoeMax, Detailed Job Printing Option
    Available 3 Styles and 2 Sizes by OEM Stickers
  • Update ShoeMax, UPS Shipping Charge
  • Update ShoeMax, Quick Setup for Jobs & Sales Items
    More Flexibility of Initial Setup, Create, Delete or Revise Entire or Partial
    Items of Job Title and 3 Ways of One Touch Re-Sorting in a Screen
  • New! TailorMax, Tag Printing Option for Detailed Jobs
    Tag Size Dynamically Adjusted according to Descriptions for Star & Epson Printers
  • New! General, Ribbons Now Last Two Times Longer than before for Star & Epson Printers
    Cost Saving Advantage for Any Conventional Ribbons
  • Update LaundroMax, Current Sales Item Copy Function for New Icon
    Own Image Import Feature with Re-size Tool for Button matching
  • New! ShoeMax, Instant Service Feature
    Simplified Process without printing Ticket & Tag for Waiting Customers
  • New! Portuguese, French, Chinese Software Versions are Coming Soon!
  • New! Portuguese, Website is Coming Soon!
  • Update General, Revisable Message for e-Ticket


  • New! CleanMax, Plant Direct Delivery
    With new manifold for satellite store’s assignment.
  • New! Customizable Closing Statement
    Input any Country’s Currency Types & Units
  • New! TailorMax, Custom Tailoring for Garments & Shirts.
    e-order can be sent directly to plant or subsidiary.
  • New! LaundroMax, Equipment Status
    Review current status for Repair & History.
  • New! General, Scale Calibrations
    A&D, CAS, Metro Toledo and Easy Weight.
  • New! Portuguese Version is Coming Soon!
  • Update General, None print Store Tickets.
    Post printing Setup for ShoeMax & CleanMax Sorting.
  • Update ShoeMax, Rearranged Job items.
  • Update ShoeMax Tag Printing Options.
    3 styles of Detailed Jobs with Barcode
  • Update CleanMax, LaundroMax, TailorMax and ShoeMax Spanish Version
  • Update General, PA-DSS Revalidation
    “POS Suite” application which keeps CHD(Card Holders Data)
    See Detail, http://www.arbelsoft.com/integratedcreditcard.php


  • New! CleanMax, LaundroMax, TailorMax and ShoeMax Spanish Version is Released.
  • New! Spanish Version Website is in Final Stages
    with all incidental Documents, Forms, Brochures, Manuals and Guides.
  • New! Multiple Language Website is Coming Soon!
    English, Spanish, Portuguese
  • New! Multiple Language Translation Tool Program is Created for internal use.
    Can be created new language version within 3 month.
  • Update Pay Stub Printing Option
    Time Clock, Employee Attendance & Payroll control


  • New! Spanish Version Debugging and Testing
    with Address and Telephone System Format for 14 Countries
  • New! Statement Address Change Option
    Payment can be sent to main office.
  • Update LaundroMax
    CCI Laundry Card Integration
    Pay Service and Consumer Goods like Credit Card.
  • Update Send E-Mail with Pictures
  • New! CleanMax
    Storage Ticket Payment Options
  • New! Auto E-mail Notice & Batch Relocation for Aged Tickets
  • New! Default Payment Method Change Option
    Cash, Credit Card, Check
  • New! Multiple Ticket Printing
    E-ticket, Standard Print Ticket and Two way Tickets
  • New! CleanMax
    Hotel Guest Customer Information Correction


  • New! Hardware Upgrade
    User has optional choice for more reliable hardware.
  • New! PA-DSS Validated ArbelSoft Credit Card Payment Module by In-System
    The most sophisticated program technology where system keeps CHD (Card Holders Data) for recurring billing process and user can easily switch to another processor unlike with Out-System, Tokenization.
  • Update Software Installation Guide for Windows XP
  • New! Software Installation Guide for Windows 7
  • New! ShoeMax Help (Simulation)
    310 simulation subjects include 37 Voice Narrated Introduction for major subjects such as Customer Registration, Drops, Pickup and Sales Items …
  • Update CleanMax User Manual
    156 pages includes LaundroMax and TailorMax
  • Update ShoeMax User Manual
    Modified up to138 pages
  • New! LaundroMax
    Job order slip print for each machine upon input actual cost
  • Update LaundroMax
    Expanded Actual cost input up to 21times

  • New! CleanMax
    AssembleMax, Automatic Garment Assembly by Heat Seal or Barcode Tag
  • New! SyncMax
    Suspicious Ticket Report upon “Out Plant” scan
  • New! CleanMax
    Automatic Railex Conveyor start – stop control for pickup ticket(s)
  • New! General
    Instant up charge set up on drop screen
  • New! General
    Instant Tax exemption feature button
  • Update CleanMax
    Outsource order tracking by Tag number
  • New! General
    Ref. and Auth No printing on Credit Card slip for PayPros
  • Update LaundroMax
    Operating Cost Estimation feature for drop off laundry
  • Update ShoeMax
    Automatic UPS charge calculation for online orders

  • New! CleanMax
    Redesigned Garment Sorting System, Assemblemax, SortMax & iSortmax
    Tested maximum 420 garments/hour assembly speed
  • New! LaundroMax
    Decimal/Round up weigh data entry
  • New! CleanMax
    Disposal 2D Barcode Tag creation for Garment Assembly System
  • Update General
    Update User manual and New LaundroMax, TailorMax Brochures

  • Update ShoeMax
    Interface with UPS shipping charges and auto-shipping label printing for online order
    Approved by UPS, 8C5994D15xxxxxxxx.
  • New! LaundroMax
    Interfaced CCI (Card Concepts Inc), Pay for products and Services
  • New! LaundroMax
    Interfaced Logic Control, Customer Pole Display
  • New! LaundroMax
    Interfaced CAS HFS Floor Scales for commercial Laundry
  • Update LaundroMax & ShoeMax
    Label print driver
  • Update ShoeMax
    Modified additional reports, Collected Tax, Itemized Jobs .. etc
  • Update General
    Statement Discount

  • Update ShoeMax
    UPS charges and auto-shipping label printing
  • New! Overload controller for Arbelsoft Softwares
  • New! LaundroMax
    Actual operating cost entry feature
  • New! LaundroMax
    Comparison report: Actual operating cost vs. Estimation

  • New! Ready for PA-DSS Validation
  • New! Credit Card integration with PayPros
  • New! CleanMax & TailorMax
    Garment Auto / Manuel Ticket Split
  • New! Email sending feature to the customer
  • Update ShoeMax
    Modified variable definition for Supplies (Warehouse management feature) that
    capable to purchasing, distribution, inventory, review histories and reports
  • New! LaundroMax & ShoeMax
    Retail Items up charge and return features
  • New! LaundroMax
    Refund while the machine is out of order
  • Update CleanMax & TailorMax
    Roll paper reverse feed for Tag Printer

  • New! Arbelsoft Foreign Country Localization
    Dominican Republic, Ireland, Greece have been added localized to support local Date and Time, Currency, Metallic Scale indication and Governmental Invoice creation for the taxation mandatory
  • Update Split default setup for time clock and password entry by Finger Print Reader
  • New! ShoeMax, Supplies
    Warehouse management feature that capable to purchasing, distribution, inventory, review histories and reports
  • New! ShoeMax, interfaced with UPS & FedEx
    It generates shipping and handling charge on the ticket, print shipping label and email notice with tracking numbers
  • Update TailorMax, Drop screen: quick & easy to generate tickets and more flexible

New! Easy set up, easy to learn, & easy use with the most advanced system

  • Easy set up – initial customized pricing set up
    Beneficial for the software purchaser since all standard items with up charge combinations can be created simultaneously by a new set up code – saving time and displaying the appropriate store charges.
  • Easy to learn – Integrated tutorial help with simulation
    Live manual that demonstrate whole system instead of read user Manual. 367 samples related to 25 subjects and 9 categories accessible in English, Spanish and Korean. (Upcoming).
  • Easy use – Various user levels for your convenience
    CleanMax, LaundroMax, ShoeMax and TailorMax have three levels-Simple, Intermediate and Advanced. Level I provides the basic but vital functions, while Level III boasts the most advanced of tools. Our vision is to encourage our customers to accustom themselves to the Advanced level in order to seek the benefits of reduced management costs and enjoy more profits with less work!

  • New! CleanMax, Automatic Garment Assembly by Conveyor or Manual
  • Update CleanMax, Automatic Conveyor Control
  • Update CleanMax, Two Types Permanent Heat Seal Tags
  • New! ShoeMax, Multi Store Job Performance Assignment
  • New! Shoemax, Sales item set up by Import & Export to / from Excel Chart
  • New! Laundromax & ShoeMax, Supplies & Sales item management & inventory control
    For multi store or storage by 2nd database
  • Update Laundromax, Sales item expandable up to 312 items in one screen

  • New! LaundroMax, 312 Retail items with new icons on same screen
  • New! General, Quick Price setup, Header edit feature
  • New! General, Image Tool, create own images for new Sales Items
  • Update ShoeMax, Report addition
  • Update ShoeMax, Easy update & manage Sales items
  • New! ShoeMax, Quick & easy Inventory feature
  • New! ShoeMax, Most advance Sorting system
  • New! ShoeMax Operation, easy traceable job performance
  • New! General, e-mail with coupon attachable feature
  • New! General, e-mail notice for Ready or Delivered
  • New! Credit Card Encryption in Database – Secure Customer Data
  • New! Tailormax, For exclusive Tailoring & Alteration shop
  • New! Back Office Replication Feature – SyncMax Plus
  • Update Finger print reader – speedier responses – more reliable recognition
  • New! LaundroMax – Dual cash drawer control technology
  • New! Processing DebitCard by MPS
  • New! Reset Data Feature for new user
  • Update LaundroMax Sales item setup
  • New! Credit card trade in feature for LaundroMax
  • New! Operation cost manual entry for LaundroMax
  • New! Universal Tax entry feature for Foreign & US user
  • New! Tax exemption for each individual account
  • New! QuickBooks Interface
  • New! Quote account creation for CleanMax, ShoeMax and TailorMax

  • New! CleanMax Independent Garment Sorting Feature
    Effective with or without a conveyor
  • New! ShoeMax, Shoe Repair Service Software
  • New! Easy Disclaimer Form printing feature
  • New! Future pricing
    Able to add prices for special items with uncertain charges
  • New! Automatic printing of remaining items for partial pickup
  • New! Hide Rack Location until payment received

  • Update No duplicate charges in auto batch credit card processing
  • Update No system downs (NSD) even for stand alone computer
  • Update Data Purge
  • New! Immediate printing of pick up orders
    by Caller ID
  • Update Partial pick up feature with a single full payment
    Easy full payment feature instead of two separate payments
  • New! Multiple payment application
    Any payment can be made in cash, by check or by credit card, in a single transaction.
  • New! No checks accepted
    System prohibits receiving checks from customers who have issued unfulfilled checks in the past.

  • New! Split tickets
    Numerous items are handled with more than one ticket for a given drop off, but the customer is always issued only one ticket.
  • Update LaundroMax, Laundromat service
    – Expanded sales items split into re-organized categories with new icons
    – Sales items appear on the Wash & Fold drop off screen
    – CleanMax covers 7 days a week except on nominated holidays
  • Update Time Clock, Employee attendance and payroll management
    Record edit, basic hours and wage, overtime rate entry
    Initial customized pricing set up
    Exchange rate entry features such as in Pounds, Euros, Yen, Won, etc.
  • New! Holidays
    CleanMax does not issue ready-dates that coincide with nominated holidays.
  • New! Hotel Valet and Shoe Repair items package
    Capable of importing packages from the system database
  • New! Combined Shoe Repair service
    Brand new service available. Compatible with CleanMax.

  • New! Fixed pro rate charged for wholesale account.
    Easily adjusts the total amount on a customer’s ticket without having to make individual changes
  • New! Route pick up and delivery
    Map creation interface feature by the distance processing sequence for non scheduled services
  • New! Release form
    Can be printed by a one touch button when necessary for a customer confirmation signature
  • New! Outsourcing management
    Shows payment amount with cost and in & out control
  • Update Drive Thru
    Express ticketing service feature

  • New! Utilities Function
    Immediate access to: Display, System, Date and Time, Sound, Printer, Touch Screen, Data export & import, Server, etc.
  • Update Route Service double confirmation
    Secondary confirmation for delivery and pick up by Symbol, PPT-8800 & Zebra, QL-220 mobile computers & printers respectively
  • New! Laundromat and Wash and fold service
    – Interfaces scale with computer — simultaneous weighing and automatic data entry
    – Automatic operation cost calculation for customer drop off of laundry
    – Smart Card credit can also be used to purchase consumer products
  • Update Supports most common printers
    – Thermal Printers:
    CleanMax /OEM, Star TSP-100, Epson TM-88III, Zebra QL-220 & Samsung SRP-350.
    – Impact Printers:
    Star SP-500, Epson TM-U220, Zebra TLP-2844, Okidata ML-320 & Samsung SRP-275.Wholly supports tag assignments; with or without a tag printer, No need to attach an extra tag on the ticket (see Semi-Auto tag assignment)