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  AssembleMax® Garment Assembly Systems

   In order to fulfill the increasing demand for automated dry cleaning processes, CleanMax has redesigned its garment sorting systems. We introduce the system in three versions: SortMax, AssembleMax, and iSortmax. The three versions offer great business flexibility, rapid processing, reduced sorting space, and an immense productivity boost, all at a very affordable price with a high return on investment. You will find that our garment sorting system will bring accuracy and oversight to your work process, and will improve the overall quality of your service with low lead times and rapid fulfillment of customer demand.

Furthermore, our garment sorting systems can stay within the bounds of your budget due to significantly lower capital investments. We can say with confidence that Arbelsoft garment assembly systems undercut the price of any other version currently available on the market. Why are the other systems so expensive? Well for one, other systems require a computer for conveyor rotation control but also necessitate an additional POS system that retains tags and ticket information. CleanMax makes the extra computer redundant in functionality by syncing the two together into one device. Powered by a Microsoft SQL database, the system can control both the function conveyor and sorting with internal tag and ticket information stored within the POS system.

Another unique feature is that CleanMax is compatible with both permanent heat seal tags and barcode tags, thus expanding the marginal utility for businesses that handle both corporate accounts, (eg: hotels, hospitals, etc) as well as more mainstream retail accounts. While the heat seal tag is suitable for bulk orders such as uniform cleaning, barcode tags are suitable for retail dry cleaning applications.

We introduced our very own barcode tag that does not exist anywhere else in the dry cleaning POS market today. We pioneered this tag to address a dry cleaning assembly automation problem, primarily dependent on nature of heat seal tags. Although its utilization cuts time in the sorting process with a scannable barcode, the tagging preparation time adds an average of 30 seconds to the garment tagging process. Furthermore, due to constant customer churn, the frequency of tagging preparation time added to the work process with heat seal tags increases substantially.

That’s how our barcode tag differentiate itself, since it fuses together the functionality of barcodes and cuts out lengthy preparation times altogether. Our disposable tags are made of a special and easily scannable material that comes at a cheaper price than heat seal tags. In sum, the benefits of our barcode tags in functionality and time and money spent on equipment utilization and manpower outweigh the expense and limited commercial applications of heat seal tags. [See accompanying chart below]

Barcode & Heat Seal Tag Comparison

Barcode and Heat Seal Tag Comparison

SortMax: Uses your existing conveyor; designed for garment assembly purposes; compatible with any conveyor brand.

AssembleMax: Interfaced with the Railex garment sorting conveyor; current status with voice guidance in English or Spanish. [conveyor moves and stops exactly at the pre-assigned slot upon scanning the garment tag until assembly completion]

iSortMax: : Manual, no conveyor necessary.

Features are:
deco Easy to use
deco Large screen and voice guidance in English or Spanish by SoundMax
deco Instant Voice change English/Spanish by scan command barcode
deco Both automatic and manual assembly systems available
deco Soft start conveyor by an inverter control
deco Assembly rate over 380 pcs/hour
deco Acceleration Function
deco Search slot by tag number entry
deco Syncs with a CleanMax interfaced conveyor or any other brand
deco No limit on number of maximum slots for SortMax
deco Pre or post ticket printing options
deco Garment assembly for single or multiple stores by using only one invoice printer.
deco Supports regular disposable barcode & heat seal tags
deco Accepts number entry from third parties or from a pre printed heat seal tag
deco Automatic slot extension based on order size
deco Rapid recognition 2D barcode technology
deco Issues updates on assembly status for partial pick up
deco Instantly accessible detailed ticket review
deco Tag / Ticket reprint feature
deco Overview of current / previous slot status
deco Detailed view of each slot and much more..

CleanMax can be interfaced with systems such as those provided by Metalprogetti, White Conveyors, HMC Solutions & IOWA Systems.

Below is a chart that tables the differences between our systems and others.

Garment Assembly System Comparison

Garment Assembly System Comparison

Note: All third parties data and prices are solely based on ArbelSoft research. We based our calculations on the most current data, and thus hold no responsibility for future discrepancies in price and performance figures as of December, 2010.
- Installation, and training is available upon request at $500.00/day plus freight. A minimum of 2 days are necessary.

- The AssembleMax promotional Rental Sale is available now for a 48 month fixed term with a $4800.00 down payment.

View AssembleMax Brochure

Click for review: Metalprogetti     HMC solutions     IOWA Techniques     White Conveyor


AssembleMax Packages

Barcode System
deco Railex Sorting Conveyor, Available 17' x 150 slots.
deco A CleanMax package with AssembleMax Module.
deco Scanner Kit: Motorola, DS3508 Scanner includes swivel arm, bracket and balancer.
deco Monitor Kit: Dell 20” LCD with mounting swivel arm, bracket & speakers for voice guidance.
deco Zebra GX430T thermal transfer Barcode Printer.
deco A dozen of Roll tag 3”W x 275’L
deco A dozen of Zebra Resin wax ribbon 3.5”W x 244’L roll.
deco All necessary cables and adapters can be interfaced with CleanMax.

Heat Seal System
deco Railex Sorting Conveyor, Available 17' x 150 slots.
deco A CleanMax package with AssembleMax Module.
deco Scanner Kit: Motorola, DS3508 Scanner includes swivel arm, bracket and balancer.
deco Monitor Kit: Dell 20" LCD with mounting swivel arm, bracket & speakers for voice guidance.
deco Zebra TLP2824 thermal transfer Barcode Printer.
deco A dozen of Heat Seal labels, 25mm w x 9mm h 3500 pcs/roll.
deco A dozen of Zebra Resin wax ribbon, 1.3"W x 244’L roll.
deco Hotronix STX6 Heat Seal press.
deco Interface cable.

SortMax Packages

Barcode System
deco Conveyor controller.
deco A CleanMax package with SortMax Module.
deco Scanner Kit: Motorola, DS3508 Scanner includes swivel arm, bracket and balancer.
deco Monitor Kit: Dell 20" LCD with mounting swivel arm, bracket & speakers for voice guidance.
deco Zebra GX430T thermal transfer Barcode Printer.
deco A dozen of Roll tag 3"W x 275’L
deco A dozen of Zebra Resin wax ribbon 3.5”W x 244’L roll.
deco All necessary cables and adapters can be interfaced with CleanMax.

Heat Seal System
deco Conveyor controller for any brands.
deco A CleanMax package with SortMax Module.
deco Scanner Kit: Motorola, DS3508 Scanner includes swivel arm, bracket and balancer.
deco Monitor Kit: Dell 20" LCD with mounting swivel arm, bracket & speakers for voice guidance.
deco Zebra TLP2824 thermal transfer Barcode printer.
deco A dozen of Heat Seal labels, 25mm w x 9mm h 3500 pcs/roll.
deco A dozen of Zebra Resin wax ribbon, 1.3"W x 244’L roll
deco Hotronix STX6 Heat Seal press.
deco All necessary cables and adapters can be interfaced with CleanMax.

iSortMax Packages

Barcode System
deco Optional iSortMax Software.
deco Scanner Kit: Motorola, DS3508 Scanner includes swivel arm, bracket and balancer.
deco Monitor Kit: Dell 20" LCD with mounting swivel arm, bracket & speakers for voice guidance.
deco Zebra GX430T thermal transfer Barcode Printer.
deco A dozen of Roll tag 3"W x 275’L
deco A dozen of Zebra Resin wax ribbon 3.5”w x 244’L roll.
deco 60 Laminated assemblyhook ID card Pack or
deco 120 Laminated assemblyhook ID card Pack.

Note: May need Optional sorting rack, TH-15 by (800) 568-7768

Heat Seal System
deco Optional iSortMax Software.
deco Scanner Kit: Motorola, DS3508 Scanner includes swivel arm, bracket and balancer.
deco Monitor Kit: Dell 20" LCD with mounting swivel arm, bracket & speakers for voice guidance.
deco Zebra TLP2824 thermal transfer Barcode Printer.
deco A dozen of Heat Seal labels, 25mm w x 9mm h 3500 pcs/roll.
deco A dozen of Zebra Resin wax ribbon, 1.3"W x 244’L roll
deco Hotronix STX6 Heat Seal press.
deco 60 Laminated assemblyhook ID card Pack or
deco 120 Laminated assemblyhook ID card Pack.

Note: May need Optional sorting rack, TH-15 by (800) 568-7768

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