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Create your own style of ticket and logo |
Ticket Formats
Ticket Search
Alteration Tag
- Unlimited flexibility in personalizing your ticket style: with or without barcode, displaying your business logo, font sizes, two way print speed control option
- TailorMax allows for a rapid ticketing process resulting in the cleanest and most aesthetically pleasing tickets.
- Can include your business logo upon request for new orders only. Recommended logo design ratio of Width:Height = 4:1. Black and white only.
- Our system offers a list of all tickets that have ever been issued that you can access from the main screen. Search by ticket or tag numbers to find out the details of past tickets or re-sort this list by clicking on 1 of 10 header categories.
- Tickets indicated by a mark on the compiled ticket list signify those accompanied by release forms, disclaimers, image captures, or pickup proof.
- Reprint customer tickets, store tickets, sub tickets, or tags at any time.
- Access the corresponding customer's page or their ticket history exclusively by clicking any given component on the list. You may also click "Detail View" to see the specifics of the content of a given ticket.
- Void or edit tickets directly from the ticket list compilation.
- Alteration Tags include a detailed job description so any employee can complete
job the proper way.
- Alteration Tag size is completely dynamic so even complex jobs are fully shown.
- Alteration tags will be printed per job to save you time and finish large workloads faster.
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