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  • Handles the sales of 551 relevant goods such as brushes, waxes, polishes, and dyes, all consolidated in one easily accessible and expandable screen. Additional items include but are not limited to knife sharpeners, and key copies. Such sales can be handled and processed in combination with customer repair orders or can also be carried out separately by pressing the appropriate item button or scanning the item’s UPC or own SKU code.
    When accounting for secondary subitems such as shoe creams that come in various shades and colors, our software can support up to 23,750 individual items.

  • Either enter items on the program, or through a simple scan of the UPC or SKU code by the Metrologic omni directional barcode scanner, which is a Standard option item.

  • Create & print your own SKU code sticker for items that do not have a UPC code.

  • Easy to create items & types also pricing for any kind of item can be altered.

  • Apply any kind of universal taxes or rates such as GST, PST, VAT, and Sales taxes or tax exemptions for certain item(s). Appropriate for foreign and U.S users.

  • Several payment options are available as credit & debit card, check, cash or house account and new discount feature.

  • With a one touch button, the print receipt feature can be used to turn the receipt printing option on or off based on user preferences.

  • Enter the required inventory minimum, so that when you are low in stock on a certain item, the stock quantity will appear on the insufficient stock list that you can review or print for new order.

  • Easy to add or update stock entry.

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